

Monday, February 29, 2016

Croft State Park

Hi there! Today we visit Croft State Park, nestled just below the city of Spartanburg. this park is geared more towards our equestrian friends. It does however have 2 small trails that are for hiking only. The rest of the trails are shared for hiking/biking/horses. The shared trails don't lend to hiking/biking too well because of this. There's a lot of parking for trucks with trailers and a good size riding ring, a very nice park for equestrian needs! There's also a lake here with boat rentals. This park is a pay to use park.

Today we hiked the lake Craig trail then walked down the road a little to the nature trail. You can cut half of the lake Craig trail and head straight to the nature trail but be sure to get a good look of the trail maps before you head out as it can be a little confusing going between trails.

This is the lake by the boat rental house.

First we parked at the lake parking to see the lake and then hit the trail from there and try to connect to the nature trail. The short lake Craig trail is one of the hikers only trails, it's  less than a mile long and fairly easy. It skirts around the lake but not on the shore so you won't be able to see much of the lake in the summer months.

Don't forget to look up when hiking!

Once you get on the nature trail (Finding it from the Lake Craig trail can be a little difficult, make sure to get a good look at the map!) you find several way-points with information on the animals or trees in that area. Plenty of good information and well kept way-points. This trail is also a hiker only trail.

I had to include this picture, there are several benches along the trail and some of them are by the river, however this bench is just randomly along the trail. When you sit down you're looking directly at the woods! No "view" however if you're tired of the walk it's a welcome rest.

There is an old mill site close to the river, all that's left is this wall and sunken in area.

The nature trail has some wooded trails and is a little hilly but not to difficult. It is well marked and easy to follow.

The trail also boarders a nice river and shoals. There are parts of the trail elevated pretty high above the river but it does come down to the shore and there are several "beach" spots along the shore.

The "beach" areas are nice and there are several benches here.

No, do not do any diving!! The river seems pretty shallow but the water is swift and there are lots of shoals. There's plenty to see along this trail, it's about a mile and a half, but fairly easy, even with the hilly terrain. 

One last interesting note, we found this cemetery near the facilities area on the Foster trail where it comes to the road. I wasn't able to track down the ranger at the time and ask about it but we did stop to pay respects..

I hope you enjoyed this post as much as we enjoyed hiking it! Even though this park is tailored more towards our equestrian friends there's still plenty to do from regular camping to the lake to the nature trails. It is a large park and has miles of trails, although most of them are not hiking only. I recommend this park, especially if you have horses. To see the pictures featured here and more from my visits to this park check out the "SC State Parks" gallery on my website:

Monday, February 15, 2016

Table Rock State Park

Hi there! Today we hit one of the trails at Table Rock State Park. This is one of my favorite parks as it has so much to do. They have a good sized campground with a store and several cabins. We decided to go on the Carrick Creek Trail today. It's a moderate hike loop that goes beside the creek and has several waterfalls.

Table rock as seen from the ranger station before you get to the park, don't forget to stop here if you're stamping your ultimate outsider book! You can avoid paying the fee to get into the park by going here for the stamp, but this park is so nice, why would you not go in and enjoy it?!

The hike to the top of the rock can be difficult, stick to Carrick Creek if you need a hike that's not quite as strenuous!

Once you get to the main trail-head it splits for the loop. The trail is marked well in both directions so you can go either way and not get lost. Neximus wanted to start off going right, so to the right we went!

There are a few spots along this trail where you have to cross some water. Usually the water's not that high, however with all the rain we've had they made for some skipping and jumping at points!

Apparently he thought he was the official guide for the trail! There's plenty of variety on this trail, from the trees to streams and waterfalls.

The trail splits and you can continue on the Pinnacle Mountain trail. Pinnacle Mountain trail is long and rather difficult plan appropriately if you're hiking this trail. Let's just stick to Carrick Creek today!

There are so many waterfalls and shoals along this trail. Some parts of the trail bring you right out to them, others you get just a peek at them.

This is probably one of the more famous falls at the park, this greets you as you enter the main trailhead and is a good place to rest at the end of a hike!

Here is a video of several of the waterfalls at the park.

I hope you enjoyed our trip to Table Rock State Park! With everything to do here this is a park that I keep coming back to. The trails are great and well maintained. I highly recommend this park. To see the pictures featured here and more from my visits to this park check out the "SC State Parks" gallery on my website:

Monday, February 1, 2016

Paris Mountain

Hi there! Today we went to the "first day hike" at Paris Mountain State Park. We also signed up for the ultimate outsider challenge. So this is park 1 and day 1 of that challenge! Can we make it to all the parks in a year? Join us and find out, and after you visit here be sure to go visit your local state park!

First we get to the lower lake and make our way to the ranger station, take a good look around at all the people that are here for the first day hike! Paris mountain has great trails for beginners to experts. With two lakes and waterfalls there's plenty reason to keep coming back!

Remember to obey the signs and stick to the trail! It doesn't say anything about standing on the sign :)

And here we have the lower falls at lake Placid. You can see these falls from the road. The falls were pretty active this day as we've had a ton of rain lately. We didn't make it to the upper falls this time around but maybe on another trip we will!

Now what did that sign say earlier?? Luckily for Neximus he was just on the outer edges and didn't get hurt or in trouble with the ranger!

Walking the plank !! There were several trees down into the lake. Makes for a nice ramp down or up for the ducks, if you're lucky you can catch some coming up!

Now time for a little break from the hiking! There are several park benches on the trails here, very nice for the trip back if you've been hiking a lot.

There's plenty of wildlife at the park, these were playing and chasing each other around. Come in the spring to see the baby ducks!

Thanks for visiting and joining us on our Paris Mountain State Park hike! Hopefully you have enjoyed the trip. Want to see more pictures from this park and the others on our journey? Visit my website and the "SC Sate Park Project" gallery! This is an excellent park just minutes from downtown Greenville. It is one of my favorite state parks so far, I've been countless times and still find new places and things to see. If you're visiting Greenville this is a must see park, if you're a native and have never been, what are you waiting for?!?!