

Monday, June 20, 2016

Rivers Bridge (Battlefield) State Park (Part 2)

Hi there! Today we continue our adventure at Rivers Bridge State Park and continue on the nature trail and battlefield. Today we pick up at the end of the nature trail and continue on to the battlefield trail. If you want to skip the nature trails and the long mile walk between the memorial grounds and the battlefield there is a separate parking area at the battleground.

There is a bench about 3/4 of the way to the battlefield if you need a seat!

When you enter the battlefield you're greeted by the first of many informative signs about the battle. The signs are kept up and placed at good intervals that explain the battlefield and events.

The trail is well marked and the first part is marked by the old fencing from that period.

This is where the old bridge was, it's gone now but you can still see the ground work on both sides for it. The trail continues and circles around the battlefield.. This spot wasn't without a casualty though... On the second picture I was trying to get Neximus in the shot and a gust of wind knocked him off and broke one of his antennas! As you can see from the third picture he is recovered nicely.

The battlefield has been preserved really good and the terrain is close to how it originally was, with the trail not being too long with just a few hills it's well worth the walk.

This is another favorite park of mine. With the great and knowledgeable rangers to the miles of trails, well kept grounds, nature and history there's plenty to see and learn. I highly recommend this park, if you're up to all the hiking you can spend most of the day here. Be sure to get with a ranger for a tour!


  1. It would be interesting to read all the history plaques. Thank you for all the hiking you do and all the great pictures!! Love it.

  2. It would be interesting to read all the history plaques. Thank you for all the hiking you do and all the great pictures!! Love it.

    1. I believe I was able to get pictures of them all, I will try to get them posted to my website in the next couple of months. Stay tuned!
