

Monday, July 18, 2016

Lake Hartwell State Park

Hey there! Today we visit Lake Hartwell State Park. It has a boat launch, campground and a small hiking trail. The main draw to this park is, of course, the lake! Today we hit the hiking trail and checked out the campground a little.
The hiking trail starts from a small parking lot right across from the main building at the entrance, as you can see from the blue outline it's just a small loop. Continuing on the road takes you to the campground. The campground is just a standard campground, nothing really special.

There's a small sign at the start of the trail, it's easy to miss..

The trail is well maintained, it has a few foot bridges in some areas. It starts off level but goes down to the lake level, it's has some decent up and downs so it's not a completely easy trail, but not really moderate..

There are a few spots that come down to the lake, in a small cove, you can see the campground across the lake at one point. You really don't get much of the lake from the trail.

There is a small peninsula on the trail that you can go out to, it's not part of the trail but enough people have gone out to it that there's a foot path to it.

After the lake spot you just head up an almost straight trail to the road, this is uphill, but it looks like an old dirt road so it's an easy walk.

This is where the "trail" ends and you have to go right, follow the road back up to the parking lot. It's all uphill but not too bad. If you are going downhill you're going the wrong way (Unless you're a camper!) and will end up at the campground.

Overall this is a nice park that's kept up good, but there's not a lot to do - aside from the lake! If you're wanting to just spend time camping on the lake and out on the lake then this shouldn't be too bad of a park. Be sure to check back soon for our next state park visit, while you're waiting check out the state parks we've visited already in this blog! Be sure to check out my website to see these pictures and more from this hike, and the rest from my other adventures and to purchase prints!

As always, be sure to look up and around to enjoy the beauty around you!!