

Monday, January 16, 2017

Andrew Jackson State Park

Hey there! Today we visit Andrew Jackson State Park, the historical home place of our seventh President! This park has plenty to offer, from the campsite to the trails and even a museum. With so much to do you will need a full day to see and do everything!

There are several historical buildings as well as the museum by the main parking lot area. This is a nice area that takes you back in time with historical markers giving the history of each building/area.

Make sure you check out the museum, it is very well put together and very informative. It's not very large so it won't take too much time out of your trip, but totally worth it!

Today we hiked the "Garden of the Waxhaws" trail - this is the trail that goes around the lake. It isn't too bad with a few ups and downs and is a little under a mile and half. You start off at the fishing pier then just basically circle the lake.

The trail follows the lake but there are several sections where you hike through the woods. The trail is fairly well maintained with just a few spots that need some repair. There are a few spots where there are steps to help.

There are a lot of "fishing spots" along the trail that not only offer a great spot to fish but also great views of the lake! These spots are setup perfect for the shoreline fisher and most even have benches at them.

This lake is really neat and has several unique features. There is also plenty of bird-watching to be had here! We took a break from our hike and watched this heron join in the fishing!

This park is a really nice park and is on our list to go camping at. There's plenty to do and see and a great park to just get out in nature and relax. If you're a history buff this park is a must visit! If you plan to camp here be sure to head over to Landsford Canal state park for a nice day trip, it's only a 10 minute drive and totally worth it! Be sure to check out our blog post about the Canal before you head over! As always I ended up with more pictures than room so be sure to scroll down past this to see a few more pictures. Be sure to read the rest of this blog to see our other state park adventures and then visit our website to see the pictures that didn't make it in the blog and in higher (Blog pics are reduced quality to help with space/load times) resolution. Fine art prints are available for purchase at my site also. Be sure to connect with us on social media! All this can be found at our site:

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