

Monday, April 24, 2017

Charles Towne Landing State Park Part 2

Hey there! Today we finish up our visit to Charles Towne Landing State Park. If you missed the first part go check it out real quick. We left off at the replica ship, but before we continue on, let's backtrack and cover the zoo. The zoo branches off the main trail shortly after you start from the visitors center.

There are a few informative areas right before you get to the zoo, like this large unmarked cemetery.

The zoo is fairly small, there's about 5 or 6 areas, but it is still worth visiting. It mainly covers most of the native animals that were in the area when it was settled, some of which are no longer in the area.

The zoo is setup to not only show the animals but give you a history lesson on the area and role they played during the early years. Some of the animals they have here include bears, pumas, otters and wolves!

Now, let's continue on past the replica ship. Like Colonial Dorchester State Park, this park has active archaeological digs that go on. Be sure check the state park website to see when these are!

Continuing on is the Legare Waring House and gardens, this was part of the Old Plantation. This area is beautiful and is used for weddings and events. There is a lot to take in here, get your camera ready!

They were setting up for a wedding on our visit so we couldn't get into the house. We were able to get some great pictures around the house and gardens. The house is right next to the lake where there are chairs and benches to sit and enjoy the view. The lake has a fountain in it as well!

You can cut through this area back to the visitor center or go around the lake, we recommend going around the lake. The trees and scenery here are really beautiful and worth the extra walking.

Coming back around to the front gate of the house you are almost back at the visitors center. Just a short walk through one more area and you arrive at the museum part of the center. The museum is really nice and gives a great look into the history of this area. Don't skip this small area!

As we've said before, there's a lot to do and see at this park, make sure you are wearing your walking shoes and have plenty of time to see it all. The trails here are mostly flat so you just have distance to deal with. The programs are great, be sure to try and visit during a live dig or canon demonstration. This park has plenty of photo opportunities so bring your camera! As always I ended up with way more pictures than room so be sure to scroll down past this to see a few more pictures. Be sure to read the rest of this blog to see our other state park adventures and then visit our website to see the pictures that didn't make it in the blog and in higher (Blog pics are reduced quality to help with space/load times) resolution. Fine art prints are available for purchase at my site also. Be sure to connect with us on social media! All this can be found at our site:

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